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The power of body language


Which signals you send and how you can work on your body language.

With verbal communication you can quickly fake something. We could say something and deliberately deceive someone. This is not so easy with body language, because a large part of body language happens unconsciously. From gestures, facial expressions or even the entire attitude of the other person you can read what is being felt. People are always communicating, even when they're not talking.

Those who can interpret body language correctly have a great advantage when communicating with others. But not only that. Because you can also actively work on your own body language and consciously send signals. Instead of a self-contained posture, you can appear more self-confident with an upright walk.

What is the body language?

Body language includes both conscious and unconscious signals from the body. This includes non-verbal expressions with gestures, facial expressions, posture and movements.

The importance of body language

Think of a successful public speaker. They convince not only with the speech itself, but also with how this speech is delivered. With their body language they give an additional dynamic. Body language also enables communication, even if you don't speak the same language.

Interpretation based on examples

  • Leaning forward shows interest

  • Anyone who sits tensely and pulls at their clothing, face or hair appears insecure

Exposing a lie?

The method is controversial. However, there are criminological techniques that use eye movement to identify lies. A person who remembers something looks in a different direction than someone who thinks something up.

This will make you appear more confident

  • Don't pick at your face or your hair

  • Relaxed but upright sitting position

  • Secure footing - don't fidget!

  • open attitude

  • Maintain eye contact and signal attention

  • Even and deep breathing

  • A calm and firm voice

Here's how you can work on it

  • Make a video of yourself: most of the time you don't even notice if you're sitting up straight or not. The video should help you to see yourself from a different perspective.

  • Pay attention to your posture several times a day: whether you are shopping, walking or on the bus. Pay attention to how you sit or stand. What could you improve about it?

  • Arm and back training: the training can be useful for an upright posture.

Let's work on better posture together! :)

My biggest problem is that I often slouch my shoulders.

I hope this post has inspired you to pay more attention to your body language. With little practice we can appear more self-confident.

Best regards,

Saskia Berrin

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